Wednesday, November 19, 2008


We have been working with a PR/Marketing consultant. We thought we could just hire someone and they would "do everything". That isn't how it works, really.

Constant marketing of library services requires us to "think differently". I have noticed a "mindset" shift in myself. I am constantly looking at how other "industries" are marketing their goods/services.

One of the first things we learned was to keep a notebook on us at all times in order to jot down ideas, examples and stories. We are working to collect stories that will "sell" library services for us: examples of great things that are happening in libraries. Those stories will help us make connections with potential funders and communicate to our current funders the importance of our services.

Rural & Small Libraries and Bookmobile & Outreach Services touch people's lives everyday. Please email me your stories. I would like to add a "stories" link to this site.

1 comment:

youngbon said...

Melinda, you have a great blog started! Thank you for working on this. Love the cow, too!

This is not a story exactly - just an idea. For collecting stories, it is important to get circulation desk staff involved, because they are often the ones who receive compliments from patrons about a particular service or program. If at the very moment the circulation staff member hears the compliment they stop everything and ask if the patron will please write that compliment down on a sheet of paper (along with their name and contact information), later the director PR person or volunteer could contact the patron for details. At that time, the information can be written into a feature story and used in a newsletter, on the website or to inform local government officials.

One patron, when I was director of the Lititz Public Library, said she bought her house because it was right next door to the library. This bit of information along with details (and a photograph of her with her grandchildren) became a feature article in a local newspaper and in our newsletter. It was due to the diligence of circulation desk staff members that we received (and could use to our advantage) stories like these.